Exploring cognitive and neuro-cortical factors in vection perception
Full Study Title
Exploring cognitive and neuro-cortical factors contributing to age-related differences in vection perception
Study Description
The purpose of this study is to investigate age-related changes in the perception of illusory self-motion, a phenomenon known as 'vection'. In this study, participants will be asked to complete various questionnaires assessing sensory abilities, cognition, and aspects of personality. The main experimental task will involve viewing a moving visual display meant to induce the sensation of vection. Participants will be asked to report the onset of vection, as well as the intensity and duration after each trial using a controller.
Eligibility Criteria
You can participate in this study if you are between 18-35 and 60+ years of age and healthy (no history of stroke, active vestibular disorders, disabling musculoskeletal disorder, acute psychiatric disorder, and/or a diagnosis of dementia or mild cognitive impairment).
Duration and Compensation
The study contains a single test session that takes approximately 90 minutes. You will receive compensation for your participation ($15 gift card).
Principal Investigator
This study is conducted by Dr. Behrang Keshavarz and Brandy Murovec. If you have questions about the study, please contact brandy.murovec@uhn.ca
Start Date
Recruitment ongoing
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