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Full Study Title

VRx@Home – A virtual reality at-home intervention for persons with dementia and their family care partners

Study Description

According to recent research, virtual reality technology has been found to be a feasible and
acceptable intervention to improve well-being for persons with dementia. However, there has been little attention pertaining to how these interventions impact interpersonal relationships between persons with dementia and their care partners. Thus, the goal of this study is to evaluate a new virtual reality (VR) at-home intervention aimed at studying communication between persons with dementia and their family care partners. We also aim to explore how a head-mounted VR system, which delivers a fully immersive experience, compares to a non-immersive Tablet-based technology, with the latter being a more traditional form of digital communication aid.


Eligibility Criteria

We are looking for participants with mild-to-moderate dementia and their family care partners. To participate in this study, both the persons with dementia and their care partners must speak and understand English and be available to participate for five weeks. Persons with dementia must be 65 years of age or older, and have no history of seizures, epilepsy, recent head trauma, stroke, cervical conditions, or using a pacemaker.


Duration and Compensation

This study will be completed over the course of five consecutive weeks. Participating families will receive compensation for their time ($300 cash at the end of the study).


Principal Investigator

This study is conducted by Dr. Jennifer Campos and Dr. Raheleh Saryazdi. If you have questions about the study, please contact


Ethics approval

This study has been approved by the Research Ethics Board of the University Health Network (REB# 21-5701).


Start Date

Recruitment ongoing



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